


2 MIN READ | ABDUL REHMAN | 2024-03-25

“Architectural Marvels: Pakistan’s Historic Havelis” Where Time Whispers Through Carved Jharokas In the heart of Pakistan’s ancient cities, where the sun kisses centuries-old walls, lie the havelis—architectural gems that cradle stories of grandeur, love, and legacy. These historic mansions, adorned with intricate woodwork, frescoes, and hidden courtyards, are more than mere structures; they are portals to a bygone era. Let us wander through the labyrinth of history and explore the enchanting world of Pakistan’s havelis 1. The Anarkali Haveli, Lahore A Symphony in Wood and Stone In the bustling lanes of Lahore’s Anarkali Bazaar, the Anarkali Haveli stands as a testament to Mughal craftsmanship. Its wooden balconies (jharokas) overlook the chaos below, where traders haggle over silks and spices. Within these walls, poets recited verses, dancers twirled, and lovers exchanged secret glances. The haveli’s inner courtyard, bathed in sunlight, once hosted lavish soirées. Today, it houses a museum, preserving the echoes of a bygone era. 2. The Mohatta Palace, Karachi Where Art Meets Architecture Built by Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta, a wealthy Marwari businessman, the Mohatta Palace is a fusion of Rajput and Islamic architectural styles. Its pink sandstone façade, adorned with floral motifs, captivates visitors. Step inside, and you’ll find ornate ceilings, stained glass windows, and a central courtyard with a marble fountain. The palace now hosts art exhibitions, bridging the gap between tradition and contemporary creativity 3. The Noor Mahal, Bahawalpur A Fairy Tale in Sandstone In the heart of Bahawalpur, the Noor Mahal rises like a mirage. Commissioned by Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan IV, this palace blends Italian, French, and Islamic influences. Its symmetrical design, arched colonnades, and turquoise-blue façade evoke a sense of opulence. Legend has it that the nawab built it for his beloved wife, Noor, who found solace within its walls. Today, the Noor Mahal stands as a regal reminder of love and longing. 4. The Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore A Spiritual Canvas While not a traditional haveli, the Wazir Khan Mosque deserves a place on our list. Its intricate tile work, frescoes, and calligraphy transform it into a celestial masterpiece. Built by Wazir Khan, a noble during Emperor Shah Jahan’s reign, the mosque’s minarets pierce the sky. As you step through its arched entrance, the courtyard unfolds—a mosaic of colors and patterns. Here, prayers blend with the scent of roses, and time stands still. 5. The Derawar Fort, Cholistan Sentinels of the Desert Venture into the vastness of Cholistan, where the Derawar Fort emerges from the golden sands. Its massive walls, punctuated by circular bastions, guard secrets of Rajput chieftains and desert caravans. The fort’s interior reveals palaces, wells, and a haunting silence. As the sun sets, the fort’s silhouette against the desert sky transports you to an era of valor and solitude. Areazhub.com invites you to explore these architectural marvels. Let their walls whisper tales of emperors, poets, and dreamers. As you walk through their corridors, remember that beyond the wood and stone lies the heartbeat of a nation—a symphony of resilience and beauty. “In havelis, time dances to the rhythm of carved jharokas.”.